Christ Episcopal Church

God Loves You, No Exceptions
Every Sunday at 10:30 AM at Christ Episcopal Church
66 South Eagle St.
Ample parking behind the Church ( off Bennett Ct. )
or on Facebook Live​
10th Annual Spring Craft and Vendor Sale
Saturday, May 17th at 10:00am
Please Join us and support our local economy and the
Church's outreach programs at our
10th annual Spring Craft and Vendor Sale

We have over 30 crafters and direct sales vendors signed up with items for sale ranging from jewelry to
cleaning essentials to skincare.
Again this year, we have lunch for sale.
There will also be a street wide yard sale on Eagle Street
There is something for everyone.
We'll also have a bake sale and several yard sale tables with lots of bargains. This sale is both inside and outside the church. Parking is on the street or in the rear of the church