Christ Episcopal Church

God Loves You, No Exceptions
Every Sunday at 10:30 AM at Christ Episcopal Church
66 South Eagle St.
Ample parking behind the Church ( off Bennett Ct. )
or on Facebook Live​
We host many community events throughout the year such as craft and bake sales. Visit the outreach page on our website for more information on our community events. Please also visit our Facebook page below for an up-to-date event list.
Faith Family Fun: Dec 8th 2024. Noon to 1:30 PM.
In-person Grape Jamboree and Kid's Carnival:
Online Grape Ice Cream Quart Sales:
Ticket Auction: November 16th, 2024. Ticket sales will occur leading up to the event
Book Club: The first Sunday of each month following service in the Parish Hall
Call the Church to participate in prayer shawl ministry (440-466-3706)